back in the lower 48

We got back last Friday, just in time to experience record-breaking (like 98F) temperatures in Seattle.
Hung with the Mr's family Friday night, then visited with an old friend on Saturday and headed home to more beastly temperatures.
The cruise was lovely, Alaska gorgeous, the weather fantastic. We had mid-60s and clear most days, even in Ketchikan (4th wettest place on the planet). We saw whales and otters and sea lions (yawn, I know).

Did I mention the cruise was chartered by A Pra1r1e H0me C0mpan1on?
The entertainment was not your usual cruise fare, but instead featured mini-PHC shows, complete with Guy N01r and Ketchup. On more than one occasion, we ran into The Man (GK) himself. And, we got to see Fr3d N3wman up close. And the music was so much more interesting than you usually get.
I had grand plans to work out every day in the ship's gym (which was very well appointed, with lovely free weights and elliptical machines looking out the front of the ship), but ended up napping instead. Somehow, the exhaustion women report during the first trimester has hit me in the second (or maybe it's just that I don't sleep much at night anymore). Regardless, it's getting old.
It's nice to be home and settled back in my routine. Working out and working and watching reruns of House with my feet up. Riding the bus sucks, though.
And, how are you?
Oh my gosh, my guy will be so jealous when he hears that you were on a ship with GK. OMG!
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