13 May 2007

mother's day (the first)

Holy crap, I'm a mother! (Of course, I spent my first Mother's Day shopping for window coverings for The Boy's room at H0me Dep0t.) The bouquet is from my MIL (who is thrilled to be a grandma, unlike my mother, who barely acknowledged the day). La dee dah!

The best part was hearing The Lanyard on PHC yesterday.

Hope your dia de los madres was splendid.


06 May 2007


If olive oil is made from olives...
and coconut oil is made from coconuts...
just what is baby oil made from?


After wondering how fast, how far, what time is it anyway, we finally invested in a stroller pedometer...I present to you, The Str0ll0meter!

We now can determine:
  • speed (current/maximum/average)
  • trip distance/time
  • daily mileage
  • temperature (!)
  • and time
No more wondering what time it is when The Boy (aka Rocket Man) lifts off...

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01 May 2007

on a bad week...

...and, on a bad week (such as last), I get to the gym once for 1/2 hour of elliptical intervals and not much else (besides the nightly walk). I'm having issues with my wrists (fallout from lugging an ever-increasing bundle of joy (approx. 18lbs at this point!) and maybe from all the contortions of breastfeeding and pumping), so no weights for me right now per the chiro.

Last week was a drag because the Mr. was in SF and had to stay over an extra day, so I was sole childcare driver (and our childcare is only provided from 8am-5:30pm so, with commuting, that doesn't leave a lot of time for working out).

But it's OK. I think the nightly walks are saving me. I'm not anywhere near my peak cardio fitness level, but I'm not that bad, surprisingly. Two more weeks and I'll be taking the little Mr. to the auxiliary gym!

Woo hoo!